Saturday, January 30, 2010


Silas' friend Ocean who grabbed him and forced him to dance and have fun despite himself. We all need a girl like this in our lives!

Sagey was invited to come and watch, though there were several dances for all the children.

A celebration of good manners...."bonjour ma cousine, bonjour mon cousin...."


Bernadette, the Picouline club's Grande Dame


NR said...

I love the intergenerational group!

NR said...

Also, what exactly is happening in the photo that looks like the nice boy is slapping Sage!

RS said...

He IS, it's part of the polite say hello cousine cousin then you get mad, then you make up

NR said...

Hmmmm, I guess that's more realistic than singing "I love you" with a purple dinosaur!