Monday, September 5, 2011

la rentrée

All ready...

Silas looks grown up here, looks like Bill.

Looks like a kid again.

We were early but the school was MOBBED and we couldn't find a parking space!  Apparently la rentree is a big meet and greet social event, I don't know why we didn't notice this the past two years.

After peeking at Ghislaine, Sagey finds Elaine,  who says hello to her by name.  Sagey gets happily  engulfed in a group of girls.

All set to go!



sylvie said...

Thanks for La rentrée. They both look pretty grown up and self-assured. New sneakers, finally, for Silas. And cool boots on Sage!

Christine said...

oh wow, both their outfits are PERFECT (I remember those days of picking out the first day outfit ... I would start thinking about it in July) and Silas's grown up/Bill face is really something! so grown up, starting to look like a pre-teen...

RS said...

Yes, Sagey actually had multiple outfits picked out, and I had to hold her back until about a month ago, from laying out her options too early....

sylvie said...

I see she wisely chose an old favorite. Remember when we were talking about that skirt and she asked if we could get the same one in a bigger size for when she outgrows it?

Bill said...

I am glad they have cool new shoes for school. They look happy to go back. We should have gotten a shot of Mommy too.

sylvie said...

Oh, there's the sous-main! Was Hélène OK with that?

RS said...

The sous-main was rejected, but it all worked out well. We get to use it on the new desk at home, and Sagey is very pleased with Helen as an authority figure...