Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cirque Spectacle

Sagey loves to bow. She had a great time, though she broke down crying after this spectacle as well. I am starting to accept that hysterical crying is just what she needs to do after performances....

A little help from Xavier after all....
She reaches for a scarf in the middle

Sagey was the only high-wire performer who did not have to hold hands with the teacher (though she used a stick on the floor)

On the way to the spectacle, Sagey found many opportunities to practice her skills

It was a long wait until spectacle time.....

Sagey had her end of the year spectacle for her cirque class. Though the event did not start until 4pm, she was dressed and ready early in the morning.... Silas had his all-day fete de tennis, so it was just Sagey and I at the spectacle. She was disappointed that more people could not attend!

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