Monday, June 21, 2010


The spectacle met all of Sagey's expectations. After it was finished, she had a complete breakdown from emotional exhaustion and post-spectacle let-down, and we had to carry her home crying....She perked up again when we got home, however.

The Maternelle had their end of the year spectacle. The Grand Section performed a colorful dance. Sagey had been anticipating the event for weeks.

The Coupole was way over capacity and the directeur of the school made those of us in seats sit on the floor "in case" someone who needed the seats more came in (which resulted in no one taking the seats until finally teenagers filled in the spots). He also gave us a lecture about the overcrowding and told us that he would NOT hold the spectacle next year in the Coupole if we were not well behaved....Of course it was a complete zoo as there were class of 3/4, 4/5, and 5/6 year olds performing, and you were supposed to take your child after they performed, "control" them, and then release them again for the grand finale...

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