Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sagey's third, 8th birthday

The guests arrive.  Sagey opted to invite only 4 friends this year, having had difficult experiences in the past with large parties.  Every since she was very young, Sagey, otherwise quite social, seems to withdraw during her own birthday parties.  She LOVES to think about and plan the party, decorate, she makes her own invitations, and she loves to attend other's parties, but when it comes to her own party, the actual event proves difficult to endure.....

First activity....the kids decorated plastic boxes which Bill brought from NY.  The boxes would later be filled with fun junk and given as "goodie bags."

Sagey definitely enjoyed the atelier, but I noticed she wasn't really interacting a lot with her friends and just got really focused on her project.   

A bit morose, we talk about going for our balade to ramasser our "natural elements" for the bouquets we will arrange as our next activity.

Sagey ends up sticking to one of her guest's little sisters who tagged along, leaving her actual guests to play and talk with each other.  

We walk on the path, looking for treasures.

7/8 year olds LOVE collecting things. 

Sagey is dutiful in her efforts, but she definitely has the blues. 

Carrying the panier. 

Normally in the thick of the action with her friends, Sagey hangs on the sidelines.... 

Making the bouquets!

Sagey loved the project, and worked longer than all the other children, but was very serious.


Trying to cheer up, but it's not easy.....

Maybe presents will help!

Sagey has fun during the gifts and cake! Whew.

I love French kids' birthday tradition of everyone rushing the birthday girl and handing them their gifts.  The guests and the host equally enjoy the moment of giving.

Beautiful handmade artwork from a good friend.

A perfumed diary with a lock and key!

Special birthday centerpiece sent by Banana!

The Champomy is flowing, things are looking up.

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