Friday, September 25, 2009

Les Bagels !

C'est Bon!

Sagey shows her poppyseed with butter

We waited for everyone to be served. Then Sylvie (La Matrise) said "Bon Appetit!" and all the children answered in a sing-song "Bon Appetit!" and then proceeded to dig in....

"S'moret" was the closet approximation to cream cheese. We also had confiture and du beurre...two brave children tried the bagel with "cream cheese" and the rest chose either the jam or butter. (Sagey had butter).

Bagels are ready! When one of the children heard what we were doing today, she said "C'est genial!" They were also very excited to smell and taste the bagels. While the bagels baked, I talked a little about New York and showed some photos.

Ready to bake

Garnished with sesame and poppy seeds

Then we boiled them

We formed the bagels and set them aside to rest

Sagey is not yet completely comfortable with the trough

First we washed hands at the big trough in the bathroom....

Sagey's teacher asked me to come in and talk about New York, sing a song (hardest part for me) in English, and prepare an "American" recipe. Sagey and I chose to make bagels with her class! Communicating was definitely a challenge, but the kids were very patient and everyone had a really nice time. And, the kids ate every crumb!


Bill said...

Sagey is smiling here! she is usually so serious during events. She must have been very happy

Christine said...

what was the song???

NR said...

What a great success! Congrats!!

RS said...

We just sang abcs....Sagey's choice.....