Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Les Debutantes

Ready for the ice!

Sagey was disappointed to have to borrow a helmut, but told me that at least I got the right kind of gloves (we try to "fit in" as much as possible here).  She has been completely determined to be a figure skater for years, though today was one of her first times on the ice.  She has already thought about whether or not she wants to commit to the lifestyle of an olympic skater or not and both kids have discussed how you would "turn down" the olympics.

Suiting up for skating at the Patinoire...Silas wanted to try Dance sur la Glace even though all the local boys are hockey pros by 8 years old....I actually thought it would probably be way more humiliating for him to be thrown in with the hockey ruffians than to be the only boy at dance sur la glace....

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