Sunday, October 25, 2009


Tired witch

Goodie bags! (Also thanks to Mimi)

Sneaking up the stairs

Silas' fantome

Pass the gourd.....

And of course....gouter!

Made a communal mural

Played french Twister and bobbed for apples

We made tissue paper ghosts and masks

Un fantome

Homemade Bloody Witches Fingers....taking advantage of the readily available praline almonds.

Some of our decorations including the "deluxe creepy cloth" which Mimi sent....and the closest thing we would find to a pumpkin.

Ready and waiting for our guests.

Also, the kids got a nice crop of Halloween cards sent from home!

Silas and Sagey invited 25 new friends to celebrate Halloween with them. From what I can tell, French kids do celebrate Halloween, but it isn't as big a deal as at home. It's also hard to find costumes/decorations etc, but luckily we had a US supplier sending large boxes of Halloween magic! The party was a big hit, everyone had fun and Sagey said it was "better than she had hoped" when she went to bed last night. Silas came up to me in the middle of the party to tell me it was a "really great party". At the end, as all her little friends were giving Sagey bisous, one little girl told her "C'est trop bien!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooooh, i love this pics!
hugs and kisses to all !