Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas with Mimi!!!

Christmas Morning
Sagey slept in, until about 9am, Silas had been up since before 6am....waiting.....

Sagey was right! Santa left a few crumbs, but ate the cookies, leaving stockings filled, some special gifts and a trail of glitter....
Getting excited for Christmas!

Sagey thinks we should put them in the fire place, to be sure Santa sees them

Cookies for Pere Noel

Sagey wanted a side of Comte with her fondue

Christmas Eve Fondue!

Mimi's arrival lunch, vegetable soup and crudites.....


Christine said...

Merry Christmas! Sorry to be late... spent a couple blissfully internet free days at A's parents house - fishapalooza feast plus homemade ricotta zeppole ... looks like you had a wonderful xmas. and I love silas's beautiful cursive writing on the pere noel note. merry christmas to all of you + mimi. love xtine

NR said...

It was great to see you all on Skype! Happy Twelve Days of Christmas!!

RS said...

Thank you Nataly! Was great to talk to you, too! Sounds like you two also had a nice, cozy Christmas!

Christine, thank you and merry merry to you and Andrea!